How effective is Preconception Health Care?
Foresight, the Association for the Promotion of Preconception Care was established in the UK in 1978. A study conducted by Foresight in conjunction with Surrey University (UK) followed the progress of 367 couples (results were published in the “Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine” 1995 pg 205-208). The women participating in the study ranged in age from 22-45 years, the men from 25-59 years. 41% of the couples had no previous adverse reproductive history, but among these were the older couples.

These statistics are an example of the effectiveness of preconception care as practiced by Foresight, the Association for the Promotion of Preconceptual Care. 

My treatments include and extend the Foresight program. 


- 367 couples and last 2 years

- Age of females 22-45 years

- Age of males 25-59 years



No miscarriages, perinatal deaths, malformations

No baby admitted to intensive care

Normal expectation - 70 miscarriage, 6 malformations


In 2010 Foresight Research was published from 2002-2009 study.

Group 1 - 1,568 couples completed the full Foresight Preconception Program. 1,122 babies were born. (81.9% success rate). There were 52 pairs of twins and 3 sets of triplets. There were 4 miscarriages. At the time of writing there were another 220 ongoing pregnancies of which 7 were twin pregnancies.

Group 2 - 2,518 couples did part of the program, but did not complete it. They had 358 babies. (63.7% success rate). Of these there were 39 miscarriages, 37 pairs of twins. At the time of writing there were 9 ongoing pregnancies.

Overall, the average birth weight including the multiple births was 7lb 7.5oz.

Prior to going to Foresight the UK population had 2,383 failed IUI (success 162 or 6.3%) 3,004 failed IVF (success 407 or 11.4%) and 1,081 failed ICSI (success 211 or 16.5%).


Robinson Research Institute 

The Robinson Research Institute is a collective of internationally renowned researchers in human reproduction and pregnancy and child health at the University of Adelaide. Please see their website for excellent information regarding reproductive health and Preconception Health Care.