Rebecca Urban Adelaide Naturopath Reproductive Health, Fertility, IVF and Pregnancy Care

Reflexology is a unique system of foot massage based on holistic principles and springing from the same Chinese roots as acupuncture. By locating and massaging the reflexology points on the foot, which relate to the different parts of the body, imbalance of energy which cause stress and ill health can be addressed. The art of reflexology must not be confused with basic foot massage or body massage in general. It is a specific pressure technique that works on precise reflex points on the feet. Reflexology can be used on just about anyone – the elderly, women, men, teenagers, children and babies. 

Reflexology is also used during pregnancy to alleviate swelling in the feet and can help common symptoms associated with pregnancy like nausea, back pain, cramps, indigestion and insomnia. It is of great benefit for women going through IVF to help reduce stress and discomfort.

Reflexology can also be used for stress relief and relaxation and helps with common symptoms associated with pregnancy including: 

  • Nausea 
  • Digestion 
  • Fluid retention 
  • Constipation 
  • Back pain 
  • Cramps
  • Insommia